scrutiny of myself, of our relationship,
but most of all scrutiny in its own meaning.


you make me think of poetry;
moments of lingering before finally
giving in
everlasting rewrite
may pull a rank on my body

knit a fine line
here you have
in the palm
of my hand
and so it is

you know me from the wrist
to the palm of your hand
do you ever admit
to get lost in the maze

do you ever
hold evidences
just like i

Poetry by malakitt
Read 248 times
Written on 2007-04-14 at 14:29

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Zoya Zaidi
Very orignal and interesting write!

Thought-provoking and compelling you to ponder...

"you know me from the wrist
to the palm of your hand
do you ever admit
to get lost in the maze"

I love this stanza!

Welcome to the bay dear Malakitt!
Love, Zoya


by malakitt
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