This poem is about when leaviing childhood behind. And the fears , the hope's of joining the adult world.


We we reach the age , the time to leave school,

Many destitutions we have to make , carry on ,

With education , or the join the uncertain world


Up till then , we had no worry 's no fears of food ,

Plait always full , roof over our head , cloths on back,

Shoes on our feet , all free , at no cost,

The comfort zone,

Remember the talke's with carear's , with teacher's,


Of what to do , desitan's , desitan's we had to make.

The worry's of, if we make decide wrong,

May be to go on , study further,

Will I fit in , will the adults I work with like me?

Will I make friend's?,

Will fuerther study help me more?

To inabul me to get a good job , a job that's a career?

Now soon I will have the fear's , the wory's I was protected from,

Dame I am going soon be no longer a kid , soon I'll be a dammed grown up!!,

Remember , those day's , then be more understanding of the kid, for you were

That kid not so long ago.


(copy righted)

Poetry by ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 897 times
Written on 2007-04-20 at 19:21

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This makes me think of my son. He's going through some of this now. Still, at any age, we can decide to step out of comfort zones, daring to take on those questions rather than staying still. This is growing up, growing older, just plain growing.