Falling in love...

So it begins again.....
That familiar feeling.....

Oh how good it feels, yet not quite sure where to go from here
Should i? or shouldn't i?
Will she? Or won't she?
What if.....?

All these confusions, yet enjoying every moment of it
How did we get here? Are we even there?
Does she know? Should she know?
What now.....?

Poetry by Neil Prakash
Read 427 times
Written on 2007-04-25 at 10:19

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Falling in love is such a scarey feeling at first, all those emotions running through our minds. The best thing is one step at a time and enjoy it. A couple of typos third line (it) removal. 7th line, (this) or these confusions. Good luck with your love, smiling at you, Tai

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I would advise, just go with the flow - that wonderful heady time of knowing you are totally in love :)

Elle x

maybe she will...or maybe she won't...and you can sit and savor the thrills of the love rising...or you can talk to her and find out the answer to your question...eitherway, the moment when one realizez he/she is falling in love is an exquisite one...and you captured here very well the emotion that it exhales...
Lilly xxx