Conflict has always stirred my emotions. The stories from the great wars of enemy soldiers holding out hands to each other across battle zones holds a message that is almost unsurpassed in inspiration.

My Brother

I saw you today my brother
Not across a crowded street
But in my heart

I knew it was you
For we are the same
Our Mother made us that way

A long time has passed my brother
But we are from the same womb
The days we have slept side by side are many

Yes we have gone our separate ways
But they are not so different
Our dreams are the same

We must teach our children this
For they talk of war
But it will be a war waged against their fear

If your blood is spilt my brother
Then mine will be spilt too
And our blood will become like a sea

We must lay our hands upon our children's shoulders
Tell them of days when you and I played
And hold them close until their fear is gone

Give to them the dirt beneath their feet
Tell them this is your Mother
And we are all brothers

Poetry by Stevie
Read 287 times
Written on 2007-04-28 at 13:38

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