transcendental evolution

jukebox hero

Jukebox Hero 4/18/2007

She has no guitar...
...but she admires from afar...
someday soon she will, again,
play some strings, and put down the pen.
Transforming her words into musical notes...
Each one so pure that they seem to gloat.
Infinitely expressing their flexible meanings...
Starting revolutions of compromise through their teachings.
Merging and growing with every mind, open...
Evolving within each message spoken.
Smoothing the process of any rough edges...
As to ease the insertion of the bliss-filled pledges.
...Cuz she's a JUKEBOX HERO...
...she's got stars in her eyes...
...she's a jukebox hero...
...above it all she will rise...
Finely tuned with delicate precision...
A custom fit built with multivision.
All acclimating installation succussion...
Accompanying you loyally throughout your progression.
Individualized assistance resolutely available...
Personalized perception that 's interchangeable.
Each symphonic transmission...
Embodies an ideal rendition...
Harmoniously orchestrated to unite...
Ultimately Becoming (your) star-sight!

Poetry by Monique Potapa
Read 762 times
Written on 2007-04-29 at 04:04

Tags Communication  Evolution  Transcendence 

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