this poem is bout the dissapointment love can make you feel.
what was so great you just can't understand how it can let you down?

the selfish man

Well once again I'm sitting here
Left out, not seen at all by the one who was suppose to see me the most
ignored and paranoid
bruces on my wrist and arms
selfdistruction, scars of abuse
trying to figure out the meaning of theese tunes
mascara that's bleeding from the things you forgot
tears that feeding on the love we had when we onced toouched
You left me alone to be with them and her
mostly it's the her that makes me sad and hurt
forget that I didn't yell at you
couldn't you tell that i was in need of your company
the safty of the number when one becomes two
you had to cancel make me feel so unwanted
like my company just wasn't enough?
it's so god damn hard to act this tough
not one of theese words I've written you will ever read or hear
not one of my insecure thoughts you'll have to cope with
not any of my blaming letters will touch your hand
cause I wont let them be the end of my pried, you selfish man

Poetry by Amy's poetry
Read 263 times
Written on 2007-05-02 at 01:18

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