A poem about a creature many people can't abide...but if you take the time to sit and watch them, it is amazing how lovely they are!


You're watching the world every day,
From a vantage you yourself picked.
You're small and don't get in the way,
But you make many people feel sick.
I've watched you at work a few days now
You're so clever at building your lair,
Spinning and weaving, I don't know ho
But you continue your task to prepare.
With you web all securely in place,
You're ready for lunch to fly by,
And be caught by the spider, the ace,
If you watched too, then you would see why!!

Poetry by Bonnie
Read 211 times
Written on 2007-05-13 at 07:23

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One of my favourite pastimes, watching spiders spin their webs, so, although I don't like them too near me, I think they are wonderful creatures. A lovely poem. Welcome to Poetbay.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
I quite agree this is a very accurate portrayal of the creature
and non more enchanting than the large Wolf spider we get in our houses
and especially in the bath
well done welcome to the bay

rgds mike


by Bonnie
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