An expression of love.

So Too My Heart by M.A.Meddings

My heart is of the Almond blossom 
In Castilla Le Mancha Sierra Segura 
No joy when she is not here
And as the Almond blossom falls at Pentacost 
So too my heart until she returns


Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 821 times
Written on 2007-05-21 at 10:02

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What a riveting and romantic piece. I do tip the hat to you, sir.

This is beauty in its own right Micheal, excellent.

Kathy Lockhart
oh Michael there is so much beauty in the sadness of these words of longing and love. This touches my heart and causes me to sigh in deep and abiding love for you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyb