I carried a banner at the wedding, stating, "Let He Who is Without Sin Cast the First Stone."
more gorgeous than vanilla.
You're sweeter than honey,
more precious than money,
you're my favourite stocking filla!
Camilla, you're peaches and cream.
At last, it's come true, my dream.
With you by my side,
any storm I can ride,
one day I'll make you my Queen.
Camilla, you make my heart sing!
Wearing my gold wedding ring.
After all we've been through,
I want only you,
beside me when I am king.
Camilla, what insults you bore,
without getting spiteful or sore.
With dignity and restraint,
and without one complaint.
(How I wish that we'd married before.)
When the princess was killed, O so young,
my sons' hearts and mine were all wrung.
I would not have survived,
but my heart you revived,
with the song of devotion you sung.
You always were there just for me,
I gave you my heart willingly.
Though I never lied,
(I have too much pride,)
the press made my life misery.
We waited so long for our day,
with heart-break and sorrow did pay.
Public and press believed what they wanted,
spiteful gossip and scandal were flaunted.
But now we're together as husband and wife,
(you're the girl that I wanted for most of my life.)
One day I'll be king -
there'll be so much hassle,
but I'll keep you safe in Windsor Castle.
My mother, our Wonderful Queen,
so long on our throne she has been.
Folk love her to bits,
and will have forty fits,
when I become "Charles the Serene."
Poor mother, so young she was beckoned,
to become Queen Elizabeth the second,
Since the age of nineteen,
Prince of Wales I have been,
my hard work has never been reckoned.
I hold my head high and just carry on.
Folk'll never forget her, even after she's gone.
She's always been Loyal, and Faithfull and True,
to all of her subjects, to me and to you.
CAMILLA, you surpassed all your peers.
Perfect Love casts out evil and fears.
When our time comes to pass
beneath Frogmore's green grass,
they'll remember us both with tears.
Poetry by normalil
Read 615 times
Written on 2007-05-13 at 17:39
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Charles to Camilla. (Extended version.)
My dearest love Camilla,more gorgeous than vanilla.
You're sweeter than honey,
more precious than money,
you're my favourite stocking filla!
Camilla, you're peaches and cream.
At last, it's come true, my dream.
With you by my side,
any storm I can ride,
one day I'll make you my Queen.
Camilla, you make my heart sing!
Wearing my gold wedding ring.
After all we've been through,
I want only you,
beside me when I am king.
Camilla, what insults you bore,
without getting spiteful or sore.
With dignity and restraint,
and without one complaint.
(How I wish that we'd married before.)
When the princess was killed, O so young,
my sons' hearts and mine were all wrung.
I would not have survived,
but my heart you revived,
with the song of devotion you sung.
You always were there just for me,
I gave you my heart willingly.
Though I never lied,
(I have too much pride,)
the press made my life misery.
We waited so long for our day,
with heart-break and sorrow did pay.
Public and press believed what they wanted,
spiteful gossip and scandal were flaunted.
But now we're together as husband and wife,
(you're the girl that I wanted for most of my life.)
One day I'll be king -
there'll be so much hassle,
but I'll keep you safe in Windsor Castle.
My mother, our Wonderful Queen,
so long on our throne she has been.
Folk love her to bits,
and will have forty fits,
when I become "Charles the Serene."
Poor mother, so young she was beckoned,
to become Queen Elizabeth the second,
Since the age of nineteen,
Prince of Wales I have been,
my hard work has never been reckoned.
I hold my head high and just carry on.
Folk'll never forget her, even after she's gone.
She's always been Loyal, and Faithfull and True,
to all of her subjects, to me and to you.
CAMILLA, you surpassed all your peers.
Perfect Love casts out evil and fears.
When our time comes to pass
beneath Frogmore's green grass,
they'll remember us both with tears.
Poetry by normalil
Read 615 times
Written on 2007-05-13 at 17:39
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