I cannot believe that it is 13years since I saw my Dad.


I would give the world,
nay my soul
to see his face again.

To tell him that I love him
that I always did
that's my refrain.

Films play in my head
of my Wonderful Dad
now dead.

Poetry by normalil
Read 1227 times
Written on 2015-11-04 at 22:21

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Thank you all for your comments, greatly appreciated. It is now 17 years, but it is still so heart-breaking. We who had good fathers have much to be thankful for.

Scharlie Meeuws
Very sad and beautifully expressed!
Thank you for sharing.
I often think in those terms, having lost my own father at the age of 9 months. I am still dreaming of his last days....

Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
How sad. But you will always have the memories.

Nancy Sikora
So sad. The last line is abrupt, but that's what death is, isn't it?

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Those we have loved and loved us. Are with us in thought , not has ghost. In spirit in our mind. Play play the films in your mind. Happy , sweet memory. Cry , cry tears of joy , for tiss better to of loved - been loved - than not at all.

Sad and beautiful and I know every emotion.