I have tried to get  Blue tits nesting unsuccessfully for years in a bird box in my garden. http://www.garden-birds.co.uk/birds/bluetit.

Blue tits by M.A.Meddings

Blue tits here
Bluetits there
Bluetits nesting everywhere
But not in my bird box

It really sucks
I bought a regular
Shape of course 
32 mm hole in it because
it allows only Blue tits
To get inside

But they dont care
Well bless my hide
They even nest in
House wall cavities
But not in my box
Here is the gravity

They really know
I suppose
That next year 
Red bird  cardinals
Wiil propose 
In other climes



Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 765 times
Written on 2007-06-04 at 14:39

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I have seen more nesting blue tits this year the I ever have, its still good to hear you put out a box even if it wasn't successful this time round Micheal.

I have a blue tit nest in a ventilation hole just outside the kitchen window. In the morning, I can hear the young ones, impatiently waiting for their (tenth?) breakfast while I'm eating mine :-)

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I have a woodpecker in my garden which is lovely - love the goldfinches and yes I am lucky I have a lot of bluetits - not sure why - but they are intriguing

Lovely poem Mike

Elle x

Kathy Lockhart
those silly birds! They are pretty little things though. A sweet and clever poem and I so love the last verse : ) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyb

Phyllis J. Rhodes
Bluetits huh? Well, I think your problem starts with the fact that their tits are blue. That means they are cold so they search for the tiniest of places to squeese those nipples into to warm them up so they get nice and pink. Now, look carefully, if you see a pink tit follow it and you'll see how big a hole you'll ave to make in your box. See, nipples don't have feathers so thats the only part you have to worry about sheltering.