Something entirely different

Roadkill scavengers by M.A.Meddings

Twenty years ago the Red kite was at the edge of extinction and confined to a few nesting sites in mid Wales. During the late 90's the RSPB and the British Trust of Ornithology introduced birds back into  the  wild on the Chiltern hills in southern England. It was to prove a resounding success,for now they are a common site even along the M4 motorway. Red kites are pure scavengers and do not kill there own food. Therefore they are often seen close to and over our motorways looking for road kill.

Roadkill scavengers
On Chiltern Downlands 
Ridgeway paths to tarmac slaughter
Hunt the Kite at Hindred byways
Population overkill 
Drawn to highway roadkill
These  summer days
By downland ways
You hang on thermals
At the edge of sacrifice
Munjac deer or rabbit race
Nightime badger
To grace to your platter
In silent morning
Vulture Anglais
Back from oblivion of yesterday
Roadkill scavengers 

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 636 times
Written on 2007-05-30 at 12:16

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Kathy Lockhart
You capture and you keep my attention with these very interesting nature texts. Your skill for writing is never to be bound to just one area and that to me shows how very talented you are. I would have loved having a teacher like you in school. I have always thought you would be a marvelous teacher. I am in awe of you my darling. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyb

Rob Graber
It takes a real nature lover to rejoice at the return of vultures... Enjoyed this!

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Dear Michael - here we have kestrels that look so much like your picture, yet they do go for live target. I love Kestrels because they can hover above your head and seem entirely motionless. Your poem is interesting and my bird knowledge sadly lacking but I enjoy this style of writing from you very much :)

Elle x

Phyllis J. Rhodes
I love your teaching poems.This one is great!!

J. E.
Something different from you there, I like it.