Thoughts of an enchanted September and a late Indian summer. A villanelle

Come Rare September by M.A.Meddings

There is no season quite so rare as  mellow Fall
For this heart within me celebrates it all
And  September will be so beautiful this year

In Rievers land as the Lammas salmon run
Where romantic ballads in Autumn prove
There is no season quite so rare as  mellow Fall

Then I bewitched in heart come unto thee
As my soul awaits  your tender love  before
And September will be so beautiful this year

Soft the dawns and long be still the linnets song
The leisured walks we will  take in Castle Lee
There is no season quite so rare as  mellow Fall

In the steps of Burns we prove  the love we see
In the late  afternoon  of the harvest home
And September will be so beautiful this year

And hand linked hands the gentle love doth flow
Soft and true in a gloried ancestral trail
There is no season  quite so  rare as  mellow Fall
And  September will be so beautiful this year


Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 710 times
Written on 2007-06-17 at 10:47

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
The anticipation itself is wonderous, is it not?
This is a beautiful form and you have captured wonder and joy in it.

Mellow: the perfect adjective for this month!

Kathy Lockhart
This is so beautiful Michael. I feel the softness, the sweet tenderness of this lovely Villanelle. You make this form of poetry truly yours. It is so naturally you. I love this and I love you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyb

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
A beautiful Villanelle Mike - and autumn is an especially favourite time of year for me - must try a villanelle myself again soon as of all the poetry forms, I do find it the most evocative

Elle x