She told me that she dreamed of owning a garden  again and the tenderness of her words struck home and went to my heart. A villanelle. Picture copy write Peter Turner.(petertee)

I Will Give You A Garden by M.A.Meddings

Yet on days like this I will bring you flowers
That elicit your beautiful smile
But within this love  I will give you a garden

This promise is mine to see you shine
In your check shirt and your dreams
Yet on days like this I will bring you flowers

I will bring you wishes deep in your heart
With  all your memories nestling there 
But within this love I will give you a garden

I will give you a garden where pretty flowers grow
For the peace of our years in this afterglow
Yet on days like this I will bring you flowers

On days like this I will see you care
Amongst the Lupins and Hollyhocks there
But within this love I will give you a garden

And I will dream of coming home to you
In late summer afternoons laced with reverie
Yet on days like this I will bring you flowers
But within this love I will give you a garden

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 843 times
Written on 2007-06-24 at 06:15

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I am officially hooked. I would like to read your poetry at an open mic session, but I need your permission for that:).....a piece like this is one I feel should be aired on CNN. Beautiful, simply beautiful!

Aww....that is so sweeeeeeeeeeet..... giving her a garden and then flowers who can grow in the garden... just like your love for her keeps on growing and growing. How beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for sharing this lovely poem.
Best regards

Kathy Lockhart
On my sweet darling you paint me such masterpieces of love with your words that send me soaring into eternal realms of joy. I am in awe of this beautiful Villanelle. I am blessed again and again by your love. I love you Michael. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyb