as we apart from each other, there's love. Existing between you and me.
we belong to each other by sharing our love.

The real existing of you and me

"You are the only and the one."

There's no why,
There's no uncertainty,
There's no secret, In between us.

Cause you and I belong to each other
Both of us become mirror image
Like the same and whole one, we are.

Even tough, yet we apart from each other
As the world in between us
Just mere in touch with memorials,
Still we are the only and the one.

Whenever, wherever, whatever, however, you ask me
I'll be there for you.
You are the only and the one, who belong me.
Yet, I still believe in our love as we'll be together, till end of time.
By sharing our memorials‼

Poetry by nangnwaynwaylone
Read 346 times
Written on 2007-07-03 at 11:56

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Zoya Zaidi
How sweet and ardent a confession and proclaimation of love, dear nan!
Welcome to the bay from my side!
Love, Zoya