
I can’t believe that I made it this far in my life
I thought by now I would be dead
With all the liquor I’ve drank
All the cigarettes I have smoked
And all the pills I popped
I’ve o/ded so many times
Landing me in the hospital twice
One time was in ICU
But now all that has stopped
I’m not the person I once was
I’m living on barrowed time
This life is not of my own
I’m still here for a purpose
But what it is
I do not know
Time will tell what the future holds
I guess I just have to see how my life unfolds

Poetry by Ken Ortiz
Read 1306 times
Written on 2007-07-03 at 18:24

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Stine Mari Thomassen
A lovely piece, a poem of hope. I truly think more people should read this one...

The purpose of life in my perspective, is to make yourself happy, to find love and to find a job that you love.

Good luck!

keep swimming ken i hear ya!

Winston Latanafrancia Soldevilla
A very honest and simple revealation of one's experience. Great composition.
Self discovery will lead you to know what's your purpose here in on earth. Be a master of your fate and a captain of your soul. direct the rudder of your boat to the brighter side of the horizon. there you will find serenity and contentment. Don't worry HE will guide you there!

Ken,believe it ,u are born to liberate many out there. I say this because of the sincererity in ur words. I see the seed of a motivator in u, let the words keep flowing out from ur heart.

Ken...your heart revealed is something of beauty, your open, humble spirit shines through....thank you for being real and exposing the good and the bad....sharing the triumphs and the struggles, the pain and the joys....this is your purpose


sabereh lotfian
simple poem expressing the truth about the life of many people round the world . I loved it , even though it had words I really hate, liquor & cigarettes ,the pills! :-P
hahaha :) the title was mysterious , well I couldn't really decide what it is going to be about! but it was absolutely a great work.

I liked the end:
Time will tell what the future holds
I guess I just have to see how my life unfolds:)


P.s. thanks for saving me as a writing friend:D

I was only speaking of this a moment ago Ken to another writer. I have been reviewing poetry going back 5 years for my first collection and looking back, it is a miracle that I am here. Poetry is the key to unlocking our whole. Nice to meet yours, smiling at you, Tai

Amanda K
Yeah addict have a vision of life that's so clouded for they are not fully present due to the poisions they swallow. thanks 4 sharing that work.

Zoya Zaidi
A very ampathetic look in to the psyche of a drug addict who has been treated and has come out of it...
Welcome again to the Bay Ben!
Love, Zoya