Ill: Kkc

YOUR VOICE IN MY HEAD(the weatherman)

The wheatherman's talking 'bout weather
The newsanchor's talking 'bout war
Talkshowes about nothing
people talking in a bar
I am walking down the street
your voice in my head
What I want to hear is you talking to me

I want you to talk me to pieces
and speak me together again
softly all over my body
dying to hear you say
I need you so much !
your voice in my head
And I want you to tell me all about your day

The war is not over in Kosovo
they just made you turn your head
I won't deny my own peace of mind
I think I can handle it well

Remove all the crap with your talking
sweettalk me past the doubt
Read me trough a new day
whisper me down and out
talk about our future
your voice in my head
And the thing I like the most is you sweeping me away

The war is not over in Kosovo
I see it in so many eyes
I won't let it spoil my peace of mind
I know where to turn my cry

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 892 times
Written on 2007-07-04 at 14:01

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"I want you to talk me to pieces
and speak me together again"

I loved this expression of absolutely intensive longing...
Great lyrics again from you!