Ill:Djosla, lyric from Under The Cherry Three


You know that I love her
you know that I love her

When the daylight find a crack and tear oss both apart
we look away to hide
the hungry heart
broken magic moments
in the corner with the dust
as we start to think
of what we must
- you know how life is...

You know that I need her
you know that I need her

when the daily mirror spit you out to get inline
you don't feel so very
much devine...
we crawl back to places
where we never liked it much
where life is only
dying for a touch
- you what life is...

I just want to fly a while before I have to land
when I'm still certain that I can
feel my body shakin when I hold her close to me
know the difference of fake love and the real

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1232 times
Written on 2007-07-04 at 14:12

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