Ill: Kkc


I tried to talk you out of it
tried to stay sublime
I was acting nicely here
to lighten up the atmosphere
but what can I do with you
with everything so out of line
I'm leaving this country
for another State of Mind

I had you badly underneath
my roughed up skin
I crawled and begged for beauty
doing all to make you suit me
I once knew what to do with you
But now things are getting out of line
I'm leaving this country
for another State of Mind

They opened up the country
to be played around by greed
I don't like what I see at all
a silent, empty pedestal
Where I once placed you, my love
when even you where doing fine
I'm leaving this country
for another State of Mind

The beggars and the lunatics
are put away for good
the rest of us are middleclass
with pension sticking up our ass
you are smiling like a fool
itching your beautiful behind
I'm leaving the country
for another State of Mind

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1420 times
Written on 2007-07-04 at 14:17

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wow ... this is quite a write. Somehow I feel as if I could have written this poem as I left the country for another State of Mind and I haven't regretted it.