I was mad at my dad when I wrote this.


Many different times,
I've called your name,
When I was overcome,
With so much pain.

Every single time,
You were there,
To help me fight battles,
When the war wasn't fair.

I was disappointed,
The last time I called,
But I'd rather feel pain,
Than nothing at all.

Yes I'd rather feel pain,
To keep me awake,
There's never been a limit,
To the hurt I can take.

You threw me out,
Like a dog in the yard,
Payback's a bitch,
Karma bites back hard.

How could you do it,
To your fearful son,
Turn your back on him,
Then start to run.

That's alright,
You know that's ok,
You'll pay for it all,
On another day.

Poetry by Justin
Read 463 times
Written on 2007-07-07 at 05:04

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A sad tale behind this poem. Bet it helped to write this. Hope things are better now with your Dad.

And sounds like you had every right for this outburst, a heartfelt write indeed.

Zoya Zaidi
Yeah, you do sometimes feel like that justine.
Passionate outburst!
(((Hugs Justine)))
Love, Zoya

Kathy Lockhart
Intense poem Justin very well expressed.