When I was a boy and was sad my great Aunt teased me that the dragon Megrims had taken me. In latter life I found out that to love would keep him at bay  www.cs.usask.ca/super/9

Megrims by M.A.Meddings

Be though a dragon Of Despair 
You have no fiery  torture cell
No dark and turgid lair
All you have to feed upon
Is the sadness thats within
The weakness of our own self doubt 
When we think that we cant win
You took her once your prisoner
But this  love has  set her free
And if you dare bother her again
You will have to deal with me
For she is a queen and a lady fair
her beauty known far and wide
Whilst ugly thoughts are your own lair
and leathery so your hide
But I have a lance they call it love
As sharp as any seen
And with this love I have for her
I will defend my queen

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1163 times
Written on 2007-09-03 at 21:49

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Beautiful, fairy-tale like, and definitely a most genuine expression of a romantic hero to his lady!

Rob Graber
A song fit indeed for a Romantic Hero!

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Ah Love does conquer all - and you have conquered your dragon Mike :)

Elle x

Kathy Lockhart
Oh Michael, this is wonderful! It's a beautiful poem of the power of love. Magnificient! Your love has proven this story to be true.
I love this poem and I love you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyb

How truly romantic of you to write this... I'm sure MeGrim is far far away by now!