I have a mom cat and four kittens!
The kittens are four-months old and
yes, they are all "fixed" now.

Kitty Fix

I'm sorry, kitties, you've been fixed!
You'll have no reproduction tricks.
Now your lives are lazy, dazy...
fun and games and acting crazy.

I've intruded in your life schemes...
no silly, happy husband/wife dreams.
Other cats will find you strange.
Your bodies I did rearrange.

Sorry 'bout that. lol

Poetry by Lavender
Read 868 times
Written on 2007-08-23 at 16:48

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Kathy Lockhart
Kute Kitty Kapers. They will thank you when all the other cats' tummies are swollen and their backs aches and their fur falls out as they carry their litters after litters.
Nice to read you again.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
wow and back the lavender fairy bounces with this witty verse poor tomcats

poor female cats a charming come back rgds mike

Rob Graber
Well maybe not all THAT sorry, eh? Thanks for the laugh (and welcome back!)