Continuing my report on bullfighting from first hand view. This is how it is.
Warning this text is graphic in parts and not for the squeamish.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picador
Jandillas In The Afternoon by M.A.Meddings part three
The first bull of the Evening caught us all by surprize
crashed out of the chequeros gate at a canter
needed no mentor's invite to attack
Crack the barrerra refuge shook as all two tonnes of the beast
Hurtled into it and turned towards the centre of the ring and stopped
Its red eyes mopping up the scene of 'quite' dazzle
In yellow and magenta - well sort of a pale Aubergine
The torero danced in revolero swirling cape kicked dust
And the black beast passed but a hairs breadth between
Itself and the toreros trunk.
Bring him in the matador cries god man will you move your thighs
That much faster he almost got you as he passed you by
Hell you fool do you want to die this bull is too good for you or I
Well at least for the moment.
The beast turns to another fool of the arena a man of 30 who had
Been here before a weeks or so ago it seems like an age
They have spent in this circular cage with the blood and the sand
Sangria y Arena what could be cleaner than this ask Signor Ibanez
Enter you picadores the band blares out the booing crowd
leaves me no doubt what they think of picadores in Malaga
Well look at the horse well padded of course and it needs be
A charging Jandilla can lift it clean off its feet and deftly unseat the picador
One puez these days is all thats allowed one too many say the crowd
They broke bulls that way in the old days
With many a dig into the muscles of the neck The old men will tell you
That in the shadow of Orson Wells they saw a bull take twenty or thirty
Before the president called them away - but thats the way of old men
Remembering what it was like with the ladies and the bulls
And in Malaga at feria time the Malaga wine does most of the talking
Then as they play the Guadrilla Jesulin De Ubrique comes walking
Suerte De Morte come quickly
There is a sickly dearth on the scene silence where a moment ago
There had been shouts of ole as the the passadoble played its last refrain
lets hear it again for Umbrique this is the first of the day
This black jandilla with hell in its eyes
Bolt upright the gilded gladiator stands blood in his hair and blood on the sand
Thrust you now as the black hell charges staighten your eye down muleta blade
Not a fraction to spare if your hide you save and this one is not quite ready yet
Its an even bet you miss the first time what did i tell you
The first attempt to drive the blade home caught on the bone at fifteen inches in
The ultimate sin for a matador of your skill - have you been drinking the same brandy i did
A man next to me shakes his head - 'In Caytanos day the bull would be dead
But then they trained them properly, now they throw babies into the ring for profit
I smiled as if i knew what he meant but became embroiled in the adrenalin rush for the second attempt
The Jandilla turned around at a rush as if to crush the life from Umbrique
A turn of the heel a fear so real and the sword went home avoiding the bone
This time the bull was dead - or so the crowd said with its standing ovation
But wait he does not fall or heed the call of the toreros all 'die you devil die'
The bull did not die, well not quickly, it took a full minute more during which the beast
Defied the ritual slaughter with one last act of bravery - it pissed on the sand
An involuntary act of its bladder -yet I have seen nothing sadder in this life than that dying bull pissing itself
It was not a good death
Poetry by lastromantichero

Read 827 times
Written on 2007-09-02 at 16:50

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