The second bull was a different kettle of fish to the first. www.flickr.com/photos/elsaulo/514737993/
Jandillas In The Afternoon by M.A.Meddings part four
In a bullfight if a bull shows exemplary courage the president may order him taken out of the ring and put to stud. His fighting days are over. He is used to produce blood stock. This particular bull gored three toreros in the space of half an hour and was ordered to be taken out and put to stud.
Like an express train the second bull came out of the Chequeros gate
Plain to see he was raring for a fight wow hes on fire the old man said
This could be trouble last one I saw like this was at Malaga a week ago
But this beast is blacker and faster with a taste for blood
The first torero mismanaged his second approach and ended on his neck
A total wreck until the chequeros came to his aid For many fine torero
This bull will have laid by the time it was over
Alas the the poor drover who dared to lose his nerve for this bull could swerve
In a little more than his whole length and his horns slice a man's spleen
In two
Nothing to do but bring in the picadores calm him down with a puez or two
The devil took the beast like a minotaur red eyes and fiery its breath
This beast could do a man to death and just to prove it he unseated
The Piked horseman on to the ground whilst the whole crowd made not a
As the stretcher parade made for the ground where the injured man lay
The bullring assistants bullied it away this fiestral minotaur who was bound to gore all comers.
Albeit runners to the injured foray as wounded they lay oozing the blood in the sand
No more the land of tortured supremecy this butchers yard two had been scarred
Maybe for life bring on the surgeons knife before the sun dies
This bull is the prize for any brave matador
Once twice thrice the bull takes a pass then stops and takes it measured stare
To the arrogant boy standing there senses bare
Hoya! toro I here him cry whilst the beast stands still with malice of eye
Hoya! toro the cry once again then the beast make a move feints right and turns in
A twist of its neck is all that it needs and the horns pierce flesh
Oh! the matador bleeds from the wounds in his chest Three more down now who is next
No more for this bull the Presidents will say please take him out he has had his day
For Christ sake lead him away before he kills someone
This bull is too good to slay we will need his babies some of these days
Poetry by lastromantichero

Read 811 times
Written on 2007-09-03 at 23:04

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