Describes how I feel at a certain time...while walking with her together with some mates... Sounds pathetic though but, its the truth. lol

Watching your back.

-watching your back-

You were walking by my side
That brightens up my day
Then, u walk in front of me
It makes me wonder
And wonder if
IT is real, or
Just a mere imagination.
Again, I only walk
Behind you
And only see your back
Tried to catch up, but
Feels like I've been left,
Left far behind
And cannot reach you
I'm locked out,
And can't get in,
That makes me wonder
A lot more..
Can't really think,
Can't really sleep,
Can't really eat,
Can't really do anything...,
Maybe, what im feeling
Is just a feeling of
Always thinking that
"im not good enough"
"what am I missing?"
I hear a whisper calling your name
Probably its my heart,
Calling for you..
Craves for your attention..
I can't do anything else,
Only, wait and hope,
Hope that you will sense my presence
And wait for that time to come
It may take years
But, I hope that I can take the pain,
Pain of being un-noticed..

Poetry by peko
Read 343 times
Written on 2007-09-22 at 00:54

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"the pain of being un-noticed" - a heartfelt trailing into your thoughts and heart... i liked the pace and progression, made the read easy flowing... i feel insecurity and longing coming through when i read this... i enjoyed the way you wrote it... thanks :f and welcome to poetbay :) *hugs* xx