Thinking of where my heart resides, New Albany Indiana

Out There In Indiana by M.A.Meddings

By the river today I set away the trappings of the old life
Donned the mantel of the new in my heart
Set aside the silk lines of yesteryear, yet split cane and sable
No more the whicker creel I see and lightest whisp for me
For where I go no portly trout  abide nor Sewin  just in on the tide
For where my heart resides there are Large Mouth Bass
Out there In Indiana

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 845 times
Written on 2008-03-16 at 10:21

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Kathy Lockhart
Oh your heart speaks and I hear it because my darling I am here holding it close. It whispers of your love and your desire to come and join me here, "Out There In Indiana." This is such a beautiful poem and it flows so peacefully and it's tenderness is abundant.
I love it babyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblyvm