The miracle of life

Can you see that flower growing in the dryest of deserts?
can you feel its strenth of fighting?
Its will of just one tear from the clouds ,one single tear to
make it stronger?
thats the miracle of life

Can you see that little child ,walking in the dessert ,can you see the story in hes eays? ,can you feel the pain he feels? ,can you hear hes silent cry?
thats the miracle of life

can you see that old man ,sitting on the bench looking at the first springs rivers birth? ,can you see hes memorys glowing in hes heart?
can you hear hes voice?
thats the miracle of life

someone saw the boy and said: you will no longer walk alone
,no longer cry under the stars ,no longer fall asleep with fear in you heart ,
you will stay with me ,let me be your comfort when you cry
let me be your shelter when you feel the storm
let me lead you right in life

thats a miracle ,thats love

Poetry by CarMi
Read 654 times
Written on 2007-09-28 at 01:12

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