Let Words Last.

Sleeping off life,
To pass the time,
Here I am,
In my prime.

Waiting for tears,
To come and fall,
Leave my friends,
Lives will stall.

Crying by night,
And by day,
Life has pain,
Why this way?

Slitting my throat,
I'd sure like to,
All this hurt,
Caused by you.

Begging your death,
It just won't come,
I feel down,
I feel numb.

Leaving this town,
Turn off the switch,
It's your fault,
You're a bitch.

Praying for death,
To claim your soul,
Flames will burn,
You to coal.

Leaving my friends,
This one last tear,
I will own,
You through fear.

Letting you know,
I want your head,
I'll smile more,
When you're dead.

Running down cheeks,
Is how tears go,
Bitch you'll pay,
That I know.

Begging for life,
Is what you'll do,
I will laugh,
Piss on you!

Joking with you,
Is in the past,
Fuck you bitch,
Let words last.

Poetry by Justin
Read 528 times
Written on 2007-10-02 at 22:14

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