In celebration of a love I found

You And Me by M.A.Meddings

I  loved you oh so long ago
When you were young with your tomboy ways 
As you skinned your knees and threw your bra away 
I loved you in the nubile years 
When all your fears of first dating were new 
And in your madcap racing bike frenzies I still loved you 
I loved the idea of you
In fisticuff arguments with boys 
And how at your turn to pitch you 
Knew the fors and whys 
Of who's on first base 
What's upon the second 
And a home run to you
Was much more than legging it for lunch 
I loved  you in your twenties 
To when nubile days were o'er
And you were as delectable
As no one ever before 
And the prime of thirty two
When your pain was plain to see 
From across the ocean wide
There blossomed you and me 
For I have loved you all my life though never could I see 
Until these greengage years of ours 
Made the you and me - in subliminal joy
For my dearest Rose of Albany
In my soul there was always you  
Ans I fell so helplessly in love what else could I do 
But love You! 
Tomboy queen of hearts
Metaporphis You 
Are my lifes sophisiticate 
The one love through and through 
Destiny my  freckle faced beauty
Gentle pure and true 
My love for you is endlessly
Irrevocably you 
And  the winds that blow Atlantic waves across the Irish sea
Bring love and my devotion there
And  make for you and me

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 943 times
Written on 2007-10-10 at 20:50

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Lea Foverskov
everybody seems to be in agreement - comments on your writing celebrate your gift! the simplicity in your writing and yet the heart-felt love makes it worth reading over and over again.


Sweet. This is the kind of stuff that needs to go into audio books - so people like me who need poetry yet need some wide-awake shut-eye can feel the love. (Okay okay, its way past my bedtime and I need to sleep - but I mean it about the audio book!)

Kathy Lockhart
oh darling how you have captured me and loved me even before we met. This is beautiful Michael. I am so blessed to be loved by you. This poem is precious to me. I will cherish it always just as i do you and this love we share. Thank you baby for writing such tenderness in each word. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyb