By border streams they met and knew. Indebted to Aliena for the term Queen of lockharts

Union by M.A.Meddings

The meeting of two hearts
In September rain
Two kept apart by ocean waves
A mere , A Pond
A flight away 
An age between the  romantic hero
And the beautiful Queen of lockharts
Destiny took them side by side
Afraid no more this love to hide
and so they  met
By borders streams
On Cheviot hills their lovely dream
And what on cyber waves made true
This love grew stronger all anew
For the loving knight entranced was he
By the beautiful queen
Sweet katherine

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 854 times
Written on 2007-10-12 at 07:29

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Lea Foverskov
great tribute to the love you share and enjoy. the best wishes of happiness for both of you in your union!


May they live happily together ever after!

What beautiful picture of you two, so happy, so in love... as this wonderful love poem tells....

all my best to you both

Kathy Lockhart
oh how i adore this my sweet lovable darling Michael. It is all so true our dreams became reality. I love you love you love you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyb