As of a rose her beauty lingers in my heart ever present through out my day.

As Of A Rose by M.A.Meddings

You are glowing 
In your soft 'nice to wake up with' Mode 
As of a rose 
You are blooming 
Soft velvet petals are your skin 
Sunshine your smile 
And if I wait a while
I will see the sparkle in your eyes
As the brightest stars of dawning
Fade and hide their shame
And are those  tears 
On your cheeks
Like drops of dew from morning time
They softly remind of your purity
As of a rose you fill my heart 
Because you are mine

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 985 times
Written on 2007-10-13 at 19:56

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Lea Foverskov
beautiful, romantic and lovely to read!


Kathy Lockhart
and I am yours my love. Each beautiful touch of your tender words are so delicate and soft leaving me enraptured by your gentleness, your sincere and undying love. I am a woman alive again because of the life you have given me through the power of your love. I am your rose and your my darling are the gardener that tends to me so beautifully. I bloom in your presence. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyb i love you