'Are you sure there are none of them  Ra rrraa ttle sssnakes down in the garden'. Having fun with katherine about the perils of wild life in Indiana Suburban Gardens.biology.clc.uc.edu/.../Black_Widow

Not Even Down The Plug Hole? by M.A.Meddings

Yes darling its a beautiful house
But the garden needs work.

'Are there any ssssnakkkes in the garden?
No darling I promise you no snakes

Wot not even a cc - opper- hhead or two
Wot abaht them rattlers are there any rra - ra- rratlers 

I promise you baby I have lived in indiana
All of my life and never seen one

Yes baby I am sure, nor any alligators either
They are in florida and so too water mocassins

No darling not even a baby one
And no Cotton mouths either

Are there any black widow sspp-i-ders
Are You sure?
Sure as I will ever be 

D - doo they run away from you? Of course my love 
As fast as they can.
No darling not even down the plug hole

Its a beautiful house in a little cu - de -sac
Lots of greenery Woodlands Avenue the name of the street

The name of the street next to it?
Does it matter?
Oh well if you must know, it's Elm street 

I expect there is a man
And I guess chances are his name is Freddie
Whats your point?

It's  just made for us baby. Oh for lords sake
His name is Johnson not Kruger
Freddie Johnson,

What about?   What about black widows
No they arent down the plug hole
Just waiting to bite your bum

They are not the last revenge
Of the revolutionary war

No blackwidows 
Not even down the plug hole
I will not let them bite you baby



Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 834 times
Written on 2007-10-15 at 07:10

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Very interesting text. Displaying the want to be passionate and romantic, but having fears of distant and foreign subjects get in the way of a tender moment! Very good work.

Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Very witty brought a welcome smile. I have to say one of my pet fears. It always amazes me how such a little thing as a spider can make me recoil in such panic. Snakes fine but spiders Muaaaaahh!.

Rob Graber
Very entertaining!

Kathy Lockhart
this is such fun Michael. And I with my trusty rake and fly swatter will keep the snakes and spiders away. Don't be afraid my brave loving knight this damsel will not let you distress over the wildlife.
i love you too much for that. : ) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyb