I should have known when you never took me to the sea

You made me change
You made me derange
My mind
And then you left me behind
I wish I could rewind
The time
But I cant undo your crime
I cant erase time

You never took me to the sea
You never let me be free
I should have known
I should have known when you never took me to the sea

You made me change my way
You made me think it was okey
But now I've lost my way
Oh, mayday
I've lost all of my colors
Im turning gray
You made me forget my way
Befor I meet you my way was the only thing I knew

You never took me to the zoo
You never took me to the zoo
I should have known
I should have known when you bever took me to the zoo

Poetry by Bella
Read 243 times
Written on 2007-10-19 at 18:25

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