Could Be

I'm just like a leaf,
That's falls by day,
The night sends it's wind,
And blows it away.

The sun casts it's rays,
And warms my blood,
I'm just another fish,
Washed out by the flood.

But you raked up the yard,
And built me a dam,
You've kept me around,
And claim I'm your man.

Your soul is so pure,
And a mind so smart,
But I try to be careful,
When using my heart.

It's been shattered to pieces,
Just a time or two,
I hope I'm never wounded,
Or deceived by you.

I love you to death,
With my heart on my sleeve,
I pray to our god,
That you also love me.

Poetry by Justin
Read 533 times
Written on 2007-11-16 at 16:10

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