They say rattlesnakes kill more human beings than any other creature on earth. This short text is about them

Rattler by M.A.Meddings

And death is thine serpent mine
Hidden within your coil spring terror of man
Wary of any that can come near
Rattle tailed, desert wailed, Destroyer!
There is no higher form than thee
The ultimate perfect killing machine
Pit mouthed taster of the air
Neither foul nor fair thy breed invincible

Rattle snakes are pit vipers. In simple terms this is a snake that has small pits or dimples in the roof of its mouth into which having tasted the air with its flickering tongue,  places the tips into those pits to sense the presence of its prey. It is a very accurate receptive resource.

There are over 50 different species of rattlesnakes and they give birth to live young who are self sufficient  ie Viviparous.

They are highly venomous reptiles and all bites from rattle snakes are serious. The toxin is hemotoxic venom which destroys tissue and organs. It causes disrupted blood clotting and often gangrene in untreated or ineffectively treated cases.

All bites should be treated as potentially lethal however the facts are these.

Rather than kill more human beings than any other creature on earth these are the statistics.

In the United states of America over 8000 people are bitten by venomous snakes each year. Of that figure 75 % are bitten  by Copperheads a rarely lethal bite in itself. The remainder are, in the main, rattlesnake bites of which 15 on average result in death, usually from poor or inefficient treatment.

But the message is still, if the venom doesnt get you, then the treatment of the bite will. Tread carefully


Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 904 times
Written on 2008-02-16 at 10:21

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Aisha Razem
Here In our spot on earth, close to space of( hatred ) desert of violence , we do not c rattlesnakes kill more human , we c them peeping in their holes shy and frightened to come over the ground !!
!!!! We see humans wearing rattle armed , tiger teeth ready to insert their ( cluster tongues ) through all the innocence!!turning the bodies to a rattlesnakes dresses on earth !
thank u so much
today am in gaza strip's sadness

Rob Graber
Very interesting indeed, and I enjoy the internal rhymes in lines 1 and 4.

It's amazing, the greatest killer is something that always stays rolled up in a ball, great one Mike !!!!


Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Interesting info, but must admit I love and totally agree with
Rob's comment...


"They say rattlesnakes kill more human beings than any other creature on earth..."
Now that's not really true: Humans are far more efficient in killing other human beings!
Thanks for an interesting lesson about nature, hero!

Kathy Lockhart
i shall stay far far far away from those rattle snakes. They give me the creeps as do copperheads which live around my neck of the woods. Remember I said woods--not neighborhoods. : )
I love the poetry honey and the text gave me the willies. Snakes belong in the Garden of Eden. Who let that evil thing out anyway. Damn those two--Adam and Eve. : D