The River Thames from Oxford to Maidenhead is steeped in the History of Social interaction and was the 'Mecca' of romantics on Sunday afternoons in summer

On A Sunday Morning In Summer by M.A.Meddings

Oxford not Duxford and Abinbgdon
That higgledy piggeldy  town of twisted streets and spires
Yet not the dreaming spires of Oxford
With students learning the rudiments
Of this matriculation 
Spend  their leasure hours
At Abingdon or Benson
Not to mention Dorchester lock
winsome girls in blazers flock
On Sunday afternoons
unshaven designers groom
Without razors they skull and punt
Along the Thames to Goring
Be it ever still boring
onward down the Beale
Where children reel in laughter at the zoo
could  go too if you came 
hen on down the lane
To the river at Pangbourne
If you just came 
On a Sunday  morn in summer

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 815 times
Written on 2007-12-08 at 07:34

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I have fond and not so fond memories of Oxford, on the whole, I had a lot of fun there and on the river ;) I used to live on the Woodstock Road, a generation after it was famous lol

Elle x

Kathy Lockhart
oh Michael, this is just lovely. The picture, the poetry, the flow, the images created are all perfectly put together. Better poetry I've never read. Beautiful! Applause! Applause! This is one of your best sweetheart. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblovesyou

..the longing of this sweet poem reaches out and touches me ... a beautiful write ...
