Continuing my memories of life around my grandfather this episode will be continued

Rain Clouds In The West - An Aquired Pig by M.A.Meddings

If nothing my Grandfather was versatile at surviving
The result I presume of a strict methodist up bringing
And the aftermath of lying in a slit trench at Mons 
Waiting for advancing German infantry
The day he marched off to war in 1939
My father made him promise to look after the Rover tourer
He had just bought at Auction.

There were lots of snap auctions in those early days of the war  
Panic sales wrought by fear of a german invasion.  
My father knew there was no more trustworthy custodian
Than grandfather.
His faith was rewarded 5  years later 
Not only had he  the Rover  tail gater 
Meantime grandfather had aquired
A fine Hillman 10, Another Rover tourer
And a Wolsely 16 horse power saloon
Every one of them as black as Newgates knocker
And bought for a song
Henry Ford was not the only one favoured of black

Thus grandfather by dubious means or another
Became an aquirer of taste
And let me hasten to add
Of goods best described as
Of a strategic nature
Several Army gerry cans for fuel
A 1925 tractor
And a Royal Enfield despatch riders motorcycle
Hidden in the paddock under a copious tapaulin sheet
Such skills of procurement 
ably tested to the full  
That night he aquired another pig

It was the Xmas of 1940 and my father on leave 
Following a series of bombing missions.
Plans for a goose for the table had gone awry
As had the idea of  khaki Campbells
Pre fattened for the pot
Thats your lot my grandmother
She loved those two feral ducks 
Hence the ill luck of Grandfather's yuletide feast
Well to say the least he had another plan 
As too a man my father was persuaded to drive the car
But in your uniform too
just a ruse you know in case were stopped
by the police
Well at least they might pass us by
You being aces high in the Airforce
thats fighter command Albert my father said
He was from bomber command
Yet the  protest fell on dead ears

All you have to do is drive the car
Not that far to Bromsgrove
A mere 12 miles and mostly down hill
On the way back
And their is nothing to lack
Petrol my father said?
How much do you want do you think
I've been dead all  these months
Three gallons there and back  will that do
Actually grandfather had hoarded 12 gallons
In the aquired jerry cans
There wasn't a man standing could match
His aquirement skills

In a trice the plan was revealed
There was no need to steaL food for Xmas luncheon
And last years goose was still on the loose
Thanks to my grandfather's reneiged intent
To throttle the bird on Christmas eve
A failed boast he could not leave unmended
Hence my fathers intended journey to Bromsgrove
Grandfather knew of a man with a favour he owed
Not one of a crowd but an even bey from the racing set
Who knew quite well of a suckler to sell
For a favour he owed to my grandfather
A suckling pig that was not very big and would easily fit
In the car, and besides it was not very far to Bromgrove



Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 830 times
Written on 2007-12-01 at 15:03

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Rob Graber
I bet it was as savory as this read!

Kathy Lockhart
whether you write in poetry or prose, you have the gift of story telling Michael. This is a wonderful depicting of the espisodes of you grandfather's adventures that have captured your heart and now mine. Hopefully, you will compile these tales into a book. These are precious memories for you that make wonderfully enjoyable reading for those of us lucky enough to have the opportunities to read them. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblovesyou