About : My soul

Reviewed by Michelle Mead 7/29/2005

I love your style- I like how you use words in a way so that you don't need full, droning sentences to get across the meaning of your poem. It's a great style, almost delicate and hesitant.

Poetry : My soul

My soul

On the infinite of sea
without shores,
only the horizon
run the clouds.

I remember,
from long time ago,
on the hot sand,
a young man
love a woman.

As the wind on sky
lavish the clouds
also the time
our loves.

* *

or later,
in a day,
I will die...

in a wild world,
old and lonely,
life do not deserve
to be live.

the weakness
and sadness
of my soul...

* *

When the time
will lavish my body
in hundred of pieces,
only the birds
will sing
in their songs,
my poetry

* *

in the end of September
when leaves are crying
in the wild wind,
lonely on shore
I remember you.

Life has many ways
and there is nothing to say.

Running on sand
early in the morning
I am only waiting
The sunrise.

Another day will comes
and I know
that I will love you

Poetry by Ioan Rusu
Read 338 times
Written on 2005-12-16 at 21:38

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