These poems are the poet's deep emotive outpourings wherein the poet has remained a visioner not the doer.

Verses of Shaleen

I see monstrous change
Into the values of Humanity.
Do I still call myself
A Man
Or simply we put on clothes and
We are not animals and
We call ourselves man?
Our giggling! Our laughter and our smiles
How hollow!
How rotten!
Can this civilization save it
From its doom! Or Ruins-
No perhaps not.
This is somewhat tough to say
How a man'll be overall the master of
We don't know where're we running
In which direction?
Towards the shore of ruins?
Or towards the bank of Destruction?

Mute Agony

There are thousands things
Which I see but keep mum.
There are hundreds of events which
I face and don't say at all
There are enormous pains
I took within my heart
Remain immune to every thing.

It is ungovernable power
Before which we are bowed dawn
It is unfathomed darkness
Where I am lost
I am searching
The cause of my Agony
Soon I find myself
Deluded- dejected- desolate.

Poetry by Dr Shaleen Singh
Read 276 times
Written on 2007-12-01 at 06:08

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