This poem was inspired by the picture and a good memory. It is in itself erotic but not meant to titillate unduly but be warned it is raw.

Heat by M.A.Meddings (warning erotic content)

Overwhelm me
Envelope me beautifully
Take me!
Remove my resolve to resist her
Make me an animal
Destroy me
Burning Conflagration

Flaming !
Burn me in his need 
Let him take me now
Make me his woman
Finish me!
Fulfil me !
Fahrenheit flaming



Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 882 times
Written on 2007-12-05 at 06:21

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Let it burn, hero!

someone commented an erotic poem of mine with something like "land a cigarette also, please" :)))))) this is indeed very hot, hero:)
Lilly xxx

Kathy Lockhart
SIZZLING! this is SIZZLING from the picture all the way through to the last hot word. Well chosen and presented display of Heat created shall i say... naturally. Wow!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxybloves you