Poetbay seems to be dying on its feet. This poem is in rememberance of all the beauty I found here' www.Poetbay.com  

Who Will Switch Off The Lights When It Dies? by M.A.Meddings

Now that the dance is almost over
And the last waltz just begun
Will you take my hand and  please lead me
Once again through the valley of fun 
Let me hold you close as you wanted
Let me kiss away all your tears
Just let us you and I remember
What beauty we have found here
In this close and friendly community
Of poets as all would attest
That the friends and the members of Poetbay
Have been amongst all the best

Theres a dark cloud looming on Northern shores 
Friends are leaving to catch the last train
Yet once it has  gone
Forever its done
We will ne'er see its  full like again
For the 'valley of tears' was my greengage years
Of anger too long there was not ~
It was peace here on earth
And I say at its dearth
Surely this was the last Camelot

Good health to you all as you leave us
But my darling please stay here with me 
There's time for this dance
And maybe a chance
We are dreaming it all dont you see
I will stay here awhile in this gloaming
As these  storms wrack the dark skies 
I will hold you in my heart forever
Besides  katarina
Who will switch off the lights when it dies?



Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1111 times
Written on 2007-12-08 at 12:19

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Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
I found this poem today
Which is very strange
I think in a good way
It's as though all the other poets
Have gone very far away
As no one else has published
So far today on poetbay
For all the people who read this
Where are they all today
Or will I be like them
Disappearing from our yesterdays
Or maybe this is a wake up call
For one and all on poetbay
Thanks for sharing
Regards Alan

Christian Lanciai
I don't believe it's going as long as it floats on and the band keeps on playing....

...staying :-) you bet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we will survive and write poetry like never before ...YES!!!!

I'm not leaving either! I'll stay til they drag me away. :)

Dunno the others. As to me, I don't go anywhere, hero. I stay here to the bitter end.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
oh i know you are correct Nick and in cold analysis who can blame him for wanting to make an investment in time and money work. i am glad you see the wisdom of carrying on paying if we want the site to survive. Is this a change of heart for werent you in favour of us not doing so at one time to teach JOF a lesson

rgds Mike

Kathy Lockhart
and as we cling together,
the poetry and the prose
we, who now are singing
as those on Titanic's ship was sinking,
will ne'er be defeated
as we tend to the beauty
of this rose.

So from the voice of many,
there comes a sound so pure
that the ears of those who have any
will know we can endure

In a community joined together
their is strength of purpose for all
so lets stay joined in union forever
through the storms that rise and fall

And through these bonds of friendship
We will stay the course and sail
o'er waves of doubts and dooming
We will guide our ship without fail

So from this Albany Rose
To the hero of her heart
This place of sweetest beauty
is the place our love did start

I will cling to you my love
and you will cling to me
and we all will cling together
in a Poetbay Harmony.


i hope that you're wrong, and that this poem is although beautiful, yet useless...but i admit i agree with you, this website seems to be floating like a shipwreck at wind's pleasure...i don't know what will become of it eventually, but my heart leaps at the thought that it might not have a happy ending...again, i hope you're wrong, hero!....
Lilly xxx

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
It was a lovely site while it lasted, such warmth I felt when I first joined here - I suppose all sites evolve - who knows, maybe life will once again spring onto these boards. So long as we know that you are at the helm, steering us to calmer waters.

Elle x