how depression feels to me

That Place ~ Depression

There is a place, a place I go, inside, within my soul.
A place where I float in darkened waters above and
below the flow of everyday living. It's the unforgiving;
the constant reliving of babbling voices with continual
noises of banging gongs of the death buoys.
That dark and lonely place where no one lives but me
scathed by the unknown, the fear of what's to fear.
And then those voices, I still hear rambling on and on
about there will be no happiness you see. It's all a dream,
a nightmarish scheme, to tear away my will and
leave me unfulfilled in that chilled and tortured space.
Now look I see my face reflected in its mouth sucking me
down and spewing me out into the same place, that place
I go inside within my soul...I'm drowning and I don't know
how to stop.

Poetry by Nightsong
Read 243 times
Written on 2007-12-18 at 15:19

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Well writan , I felt whioe reading this poem. A song I find I sing at to many times. The black dog I hear out side the dore of my spiret. I close the curtains , hide beneath my blanket a waiting the end of the long , long night.
Ken D Williams