This co write is a personal honour for me. I have for a long time been looking forward to writing  with this very gifted writer and I am honoured that we chose a subject we both could get into.

Ode To Classic Cars a co write by Nepenthes and lastromantichero

And in my heart my life long yearning ache
For something sleek and smooth to pull the bird
Not for me mundane black of unknown make
Nor nothing brash or merely trice absurd
Give me soft lines of an Allard tourer
Or full fender Morgan in racing green
Show me an Alvis, open top glory
Red leather seats, a diplomat's courier
E'er should I roam to far Nicaragua
Deep in my heart I crave for a Jaguar

Oh, give me Carroll Shelby's fastback ‘tang
From nineteen sixty-nine's Virginia Beach
In gleaming white, with spoiler's whole shebang
Or Plymouth Barracuda's muscle treat
That blew the angles of my mind's mora
And served its use in finding what I loved
The Aston Martin was so well designed
Ferrari's Boxer versus Miura?
The MGB in soft top made me grin
The dealer, man, had tempted me to sin

Yet my first set of wheels, never that great
A black saloon with a wind out screen
And that bull nose car was an e type eight
A Morris for me the car of my dreams
Should I yearn sports or the craved for Marque
Not quite Delage or Hispano Suiza
Nor Stuts Bearcat or something similar
A Bently Coupe is far more sweeter
Until a Buick sedans white wall tyres
Drew me to her with hundreds of buyers

The '57 Chevrolet Bel Air
With re-styled body panels was a treat
The Volkswagen Convertible has flair
An elegance that simply can't be beat
Until the El Dorado takes the scene
But, Cadillac has always made me smile
The Oldsmobile Aurora had the juice
The Challenger R/T was really keen
But now I drive Solara, soft top down
A really stylish way to hit the town

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 814 times
Written on 2008-02-04 at 22:35

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You've done a great job together!
I say the same as Kathy: it is a pleasure to read a poem written by two of my very, very best poetbay friends!
Double applause and bookmark!

Kathy Lockhart
what a delight to read such a poem as this. I don't know about all those cars but I do know about two very fine poets whose talents blend to create a find enjoyable nostalgic read. Congratulations to both of you. I am so pleased to have the pleasure to read two of my favorite poets writing together. This is a favorite. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblyvm