Shepard's Lamb

I picture this world,
With god on it's side,
Guns in thy hands,
And nowhere to hide.

Is it world war three,
Or just a joke,
Look at the economy,
Our nation is broke.

We've watched it happen,
In front of our eyes,
While all the big shots,
Sleep in disguise.

Republican or Democrat,
Is not a fair choice,
I'm on my own,
With a very strong voice.

The fascism of yesterday,
Is sneaking back in,
It's like Nazi Germany,
Rewound and stitched again.

The blanket is tossed,
Blinding the sheep,
Leaving the shepards,
All power to keep.

It just seems to me,
That we are all men,
What kind of cowards,
Would let this happen again.

Just sit back and wonder,
What it is you should do,
While slowly your rights,
Are abandoning you.

See I am no coward,
I'll proudly take a stand,
I'll take my freedoms back,
From any man's hand.

See come here brothers,
Sisters come join too,
Here's the plans I have,
Here's what we can do.

Rise to the asphalt,
Take you some signs,
Let your voice be heard,
If only a few lines.

Let them all know,
That we know their plans,
That we are not sheep,
Under control of a man

Poetry by Justin
Read 517 times
Written on 2008-01-17 at 17:26

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The shepherds are very misguided sometimes Justin. I do love your poem, and know quite well what you are saying.