I got the basic outline for this song from John Prine's song Christmas in Prison.

Christmas In Prison

It was Christmas in prison
And the food was real nice
We had dog food and chips
Some piss and ice
And I think of her beauty
Every night how I scream,
My heart beats real slow
For I know it's a dream.

Wait awhile eternity
Old mother natures got nothing on me
All this time
I've spent here
Locked up in steel
Just crying
My teardrops
They're flowing
By god!

She reminds me in my thoughts
That some one does love me
This prison has stole my soul
I will never be called free
My heart is as big
As this whole goddamn jail
But these fucking guards can go
Die then on to hell


The search lights in the big yard
Swinging round the gun
The attack dogs yelping
Waiting for you to run
Its Christmas in prison
There'll be teardrops tonight
Ill probably get homesick
I love you. goodnight.

Poetry by Justin
Read 516 times
Written on 2008-01-17 at 17:28

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Justin my sister has lived in San Francisco for many years. One of my visits there, we went to Alcatraz. That was one of my all time favourite tourist spots. Amazing. We even saw the Christmas Menu for the year before the prison was closed. (Can't remember the date.)
Great work as usual.