Holding forth on what I believe is essentially true and in celebration of a love I have found

The later It Gets by M.A.Meddings

It is a known fact
Upon which the middle aged can act
hat love is so much sweeter
nd the passion so much greater 
he later it gets

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 920 times
Written on 2008-02-01 at 06:35

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Judy T Lloyd
Oh I agree with you on this. This is very nice.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I can't agree, as each love at anytime is special. It is the moment, however old you are that holds a heart - I would not deny the headiness of youthful love, or the sadness of a love passed but embrace each love at every point of my life - but I understand the sentiments of this, for everyone, our loves are our most personal and important, such is the human condition

Rob Graber
A most encouraging assessment!

just like a good wine...the older the better :)
best wishes to both of you
Lilly xxx

Christian Lanciai
Above all, we get kinder and less abrupt with age...

Kathy Lockhart
woooowhooo! you are so right Mr. Meddings. I have some very personal knowledge on that subject. This love I share with my special someone is the first real love I have known and is the best in everyway that love can be is shown. In short, I guess you can say, This love is YUMMY! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblyvmand4ever