phone poems


Dreams of you I'll never stop having
Why are you such an intricate part of him?
Why can't u break free?
Have you forgotten who you were without him?
Don't let him define you
For you are all you have without him
Don't let him quench that thirst in you
That innate desire to be
Don't let him steal what's left of you
He'll leave very little to live by
I warn you
If u have the courage to leave him
Leave him behind
As untraceable history
Not broken nightmares.

Poetry by Puddled
Read 1002 times
Written on 2008-02-11 at 19:14

Tags Nightmares 

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hey Tai
I'm not new to poetbay! U've commented on my poetry before. written under Parnika and Inspired.
To Rob
Hey, In this case making her love me is not an issue...don't need her to..just want her to be herself...

It sounds like you are as much a part of them as they are you in your dreams. Which raises the same question you ask of her puddled? Life is complicated but changes all the time and so do emotions and especially love, from my experience. Being able to express what makes a person love another unconditionally, is every poets dream, it is impossible imo, but the trying is pure magic. Time will give the answers, when she is ready. A very thought provoking poem, I have read a few of yours tonight. A new face a Poetbay it seems. Welcome to our bay of tranquility...Tai

Rob Graber
Trying to talk someone out of loving someone else is the converse of trying to talk them into loving you. I wonder how often it works at all, let alone works very well... Provocative write!