Down to Earth-Found Poet is a Bay J

AMR-ed it! :)

Son Pari! Thanks CG=ur Mark!

Plain Jane

Plain Jane

Down to Earth-Found Poet is a Bay J


I don’t want Doc 1 saving me anymore

I can spell!


Yes, Joey rises outta Zoe tonight

Still call me a monster


How bout Lady Lazarus for defects.

Sylvia Plath wrote like I did


I just dint know till today

60 years ago I was born in cages.


I’m not a rat in my own cage

But sometimes Smashmouth scream louder



Not today

Because love is noise!


The PE moves past Coonoor! J

Does internet still rule me?


Parsley and thyme dint work last week

I’m a slumdog millionaire

Who needed a doorbell


And guess what I found mine

In stringless Shar


Call her a phoenix

She wont bite ur head


Call her a guitar

She’ll sing softer than the breeze


And that’s why she’s on the Pineapple Express

While your static on Q n A!

Poetry by Puddled
Read 1453 times
Written on 2009-02-04 at 18:32

Tags Life  Destruction  Karma 

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I haven't come across u until now so I must read some more.
This one is way beyond the pale which I find so intriguing.

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi Puddled...

Interesting poem, but must admit, Puddled, I'm puzzled
xxx Stan