A valentine for my beautiful queen

With This Single Rose by M.A.Meddings

With this single Rose I give you all of my heart
And with these words I give you my soul
With my tender love gentle lady
I become that which I am when you are near
Not half a man but  the whole
For without your smile in any day then I am no one
And empty this life would be should I no longer see
The simple enticing beauty that is you 
And life would be nothing but darkness without your love
For in these words, in this heart, in this soul with this rose
I tell you irrevocably,  that I do love you endlessly

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 753 times
Written on 2008-02-14 at 06:17

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The rose is definitely the most appropriate flower from a hero to his heart's lady!

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
A beautiful poem Michael, for a beautiful lady


Kathy Lockhart
What a beautiful Valentine from you my love. Your words of love are beautiful to me. And, my darling you have made me wholly yours and complete as a woman. I love you darling. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblyvm.