I stopped and compared her devastating beauty to a pure white rose and found the flower wanting.

Beguiled by M.A.Meddings

One has to stop and admire the beauty of a rose
One cannot fail to be stirred by a ladies poise
nes heart stops momentarily beating
In the face of such loveliness as you
nd I am raptured by the little movements I see you do
he protective hand at your throat
knowing that you 'float my boat' and I adore you
he nervous smile as you beguile my soul
knowing full well that you have captured me
In a paradise that is you

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 779 times
Written on 2008-02-15 at 07:52

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Kathy Lockhart
M. A. Meddings, lastromantichero,--I remember when i first saw those names and then read the poetry beneath them, I was entranced by their words, captured by the beauty, and left breathless by my sighs of romantic longings. I fell in love with the poetry and then I fell in love with the man. And, the reason is because you are the most kind, generous, loving, sincere, romantic, intelligent, beautiful man i have ever known. How could I resist you? And the world knows that I love you. And, darling your poetry never fades; it just keeps blooming. Your poetry to me is the true eternal rose. This is beautiful. One of my favorites of all time. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblyvm